Wednesday, 2 December 2009

A New Project

A few months ago I used this blog to document my artist residency at Dundonald Church. A few friends said they enjoyed the blog and have asked me to do something similar again. Those who have followed it in the past know my blogging is sporadic at best so no promises on how long the project will run for but if you’re reading this blog and interested in the project please do leave a comment.

My new studio is above Borough Market, a stone’s throw from the south bank of London’s river Thames. I’m working on a new body of paintings exploring the history of the Thames and those who have painted it. The biblical notion of “river city” inspired great works of art in the past from the Pre-Raphaelite painters, Hudson River School and German Romantics. Turner painted the Thames at the height of the Industrial Revolution, depicting the mighty steamers and inventions of men battling against the wild forces of the natural elements. David Caspar Friedrich painted rivers as a metaphor for the journey of life and Whistler, one of my favourite painters, described the light on the water late at night as a transient experience that pointed to God.

So there’s quite a legacy. No pressure then.


David A said...

...a latecomer to this site but was blessed by your paintings -- and your own journey to here.


Ally Gordon said...

Thanks for dropping in David