Friday, 18 February 2011

Ordinary Time

It was a joy to be part of 'Ordinary Time', an installation of thirteen artists work at St Barnabas Church, Dalston. First built in 1890 the church has been left empty for several years and left to the early stages of dereliction before a new congregation was planted into it over a year ago and new life ensued.

As I noted in a previous post it was a positive experience to show with so many film, 3D and performance artists whose concerns for the context of the space helped me sharpen my understanding of my own work when shown in this extraordinary space.

For those interested, here's a few images.

Thursday, 17 February 2011

Forthcoming Exhibitions

Exhibitions, it seems, are like London buses. I’m happy to have been involved with two art shows over these last weeks and two more on the near horizon.
Ordinary Time was an exhibition with a group of installation and 3D artists in the eccentric St Barnabas church in Dalston, east London. The show opened last week and it was novel for me to make work in the context of such a loaded space. As a painter, the concerns for the work normally lie within the frame of the canvas but, for this show, it was a worthy experience working with artists who have a more contextual approach to the space they’re showing in.

Coated opens tomorrow night at Crypt Gallery, near Euston in London. If you’re around this week drop on by. Nine painters approach the issues of contemporary painting above and below the surface of the canvas. You can find more info about the show here

Also on the horizon is our Wimbledon MA Interim Show at The Nunnery in the first two weeks on March which I'm involved with organizing to some degree. We're pleased to have Juan Bolivar and Julia Alveraz guest curate the exhibition for us. Finally, please pencil in the first week of April for exhibition of recent graduates work at 14 Dover Street, Mayfair. I'm in the process of appropriating four floors of the former fashion retail outlet and will be working in collaboration with Tom Cuckle of IBID Projects and former RCA graduate to curate this exciting new project.

btw If you’re interested in my studio work you might like to check out my studio blog that I’ve been posting at here for a few months now.